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A member registered Mar 25, 2018

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Beautiful arguing boyz  :3

I was expecting the heroine to have a diferent hairstyle but oh well

Backgrounds look gorgeous and cold palette of the dresses perfectly conveys the atmosphere of perhaps come to be civil war... also greatly contrasts with the first game, which was all fun and games(plus some drama ofcourse)

Can't wait for more updates c:

Great game!! I really ejoyed it, stayed up all night to clear all routes c:

Duke Leopold was my favotite, he's such a charm <3, it is really such a shame his route ends on the most interestng part, i hope for some kind of sequel c:

Thank you for creating this visual novel!!

Thank you for creating this game, it was nice 2~hours experience c:

 characters and their design are adorable, i really enjoyed game's rosy atmosphere C: 

Also don't know why but your thoughts on purity really got to me... It's a nice game i hope you would make more in the future :3